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2024: Dr. Snehasis Daschakraborty has been awarded the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan (short term)
2024: Dr. Snehasis Daschakraborty has been awarded the CRSI Bronze Medal
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2023: Archita Maiti has bagged the best poster prize in the Inagural Conference of the Soceity of Physical Chemistry (SoPhyC) at IIT Kanpur
2023: Dr. Snehasis Daschakraborty has been funded for INSA Remote Lecture in two degree colleges

2021: Dr. Snehasis Daschakraborty has been selected as the Member of National Academy of Science (M. N. A. Sc.) 2021

2021: Ms. Shakira Erimban has been awarded for the best presentation in the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)-IISER Desktop Seminar with PCCP

2021: Ms. Shakira Erimban is the WINNER of "My Research in 3 Minutes" competition of RSD 2021 -IIT PATNA. She also won the best poster presenter of the event from the Department of Chemistry
2021: Dr. Snehasis Daschakraborty has been recognized by the PCCP (RSC) as an Emerging Investigator and has been invited to contribute to the special issue
2020: Dr. SnehasisDaschakraborty has been awarded the INSA Medal for Young Scientist Award
2020: Ms. Shakkira Erimban and Mr. Vikas Dubey, have bagged two prestigious young scientist awards (Professor Santi Ranjan Palit Memorial Award and Association of Kineticists Award) in the Physical Chemistry Section of 57th Annual Convention of Chemists in the Indian Chemical Society.

2020: Ms. Shakira Erimban became the second runner-up in the "My Research in 3 Minutes" competition of RSD 2020 -IIT PATNA.

2020: Mr . Vikas Dubey became the second runner-up in the Oral Presentation competition of ICFAC conference organized by MG Central University -Bihar

Dr. Snehasis Daschakraborty
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry,
Indian Institute of Technology Patna India.
Ph: +91-612-302 8675
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Group
Indian Institute of Technology Patna We try to think like a molecule
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